Getting Started with uAutoDealers
1. General.
- 1.1 MVC Framework.
- 1.2 Directy CMF.
2. AutoDealers Site Backend.
- 2.1 Module Installation.
- 2.2 Updating a Module.
- 2.3 Edit Module.
- 2.4 Module Settings.
1. General.
In this section described what are ApPHP MVC Framework and ApPHP Directy CMF.
1.1 ApPHP MVC Framework.
ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. MicroBlog script requires framework version 0.4.0 or later for stable work. You may read more information about the framework from this Framework Documantation page.
1.2 ApPHP Directy CMF.
ApPHP Directy CMF is an open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content. It includes Frontend and Backend parts, supports multi-language, roles and privileges, templates, modular development etc.
Building an application without ApPHP Directy CMF could take weeks and weeks of hard developing, debugging and testing (depending on your experience level with PHP).
ApPHP Directy CMF eliminates the need for most of this work, freeing your valuable time for making great and modern applications. Each web applications that built with Directy CMF represents the triple chain, where application logic encapsulated in the special module: MVC Framework ↔ Directy CMF ↔ Web Application.
Find more information about the ApPHP Directy CMF in this Getting Started guide.
2. AutoDealers Site Backend.
This section describes how to start work with uAutoDealers Site Backend.
2.1 Module Installation.
First of all make sure uAutoDealers module is installed on your site. To check it go to Modules / Modules Management page and select System Modules tab. If you see this module in the list with status Enabled it means it's successfully installed.
If for some reason it's still not installed, you have to perform this operation before starting to work with it. To install the module simply click on Install link from the column named Actions.
2.2 Updating a Module.
Remove an old version of the module from protected/modules/ directory and upload the new one. Then go to Modules / Modules Management page and select System Modules tab. If a new version of uAutoDealers module is greater than previous you will see update icon link in Actions column. Click this icon to update the module. If update operation completed successfully update icon will disappear and module version number will be changed to the latest.
2.3 Edit Module.
Once installed the uAutoDealers module will appear in the list of available modules on Application Modules page. Now you may edit module parameters (only allowed for system modules).
To edit a module click Edit icon from the Actions menu. On edit module page you may see all module parameters and change some of them, for ex.:
- show/hide module icon on dashboard
- show/hide module icon in side menu
- change module sort order
- etc.
2.4 Module Settings.
Module Settings allows you to configure important settings of the module. To access this page go to Modules / Modules Management, select System Modules tab and then click uAutoDealers module link or click on uAutoDealers module icon from the dashboard.
Currently you may configure the following settings:
- The link URL that leads to the page with uAutoDealers Menu (readonly)
- The link URL that leads to the page with information about uAutoDealers (readonly)
- The link leads to the page with a Reservation Form (readonly)
- Definition of SEO format for category links
- The shortcode that allows to display a restaurant reservation form on the site pages (readonly)
- The email address used to receive submitted information about reservation
- Definition of visibility for reservation form fields